Playstation 5 game – Away: The Survival Series

  • Away is a multiple award-winning game where you try to survive as a Tiny sugar glider in a world destroyed by climate change.
  • hunt Prey, fight larger enemies and use stealth and agility to sneak past Apex predators unnoticed.
  • explore a living, breathing world full of unique species of plants, insects, and animals. Run, jump, climb, and glide through beautiful environments
  • Perp Games and Eden reforestation Project will plant 2 trees for every full price copy of this game sold.
  • this special retail Edition will include several exclusive extras for fans, including the amazing digital soundtrack, created, and composed by Mike raznick and a unique augmented reality experience ‘growing out of the game’ Packaging and created in conjunction with the United Nations’ Climate and Forest partnership (un-redd) and the playing for the planet alliance


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