Download DiDi – the taxi app in China (Create a new China Apple ID)

In recent time, Didi – the biggest taxi app company in China, for some reason , take off their app download out of China form the iPhone App Store.

So now the only way to get get this program is to get a new Apple ID in China.

Here is how:

  1. Go Settings > iTuns / App Store  > Logout the current Apple ID
  2. Tap Create New Apple ID as photo to get started to create Chinese Apple ID.
  3. Choose China mainland  as the Apple ID region.
    You can either use your China phone number / Email address to sign up the new apple ID. (It has to be a new email address that has not be used as Apple ID yet.)

  4. Enter your name, and date of birth
  5. Choose the payment method, choose None (if this account will be only use to download this free app)

  6. Apple will send you a verification code via SMS (if you have same phone number in the same phone, it will sign in automatically)
  7. Congratulation, your new China Apple ID has been setup!
    You will need to use +86 (your phone number) to login in the future.
  8. Go to App Store and Find DiDi, start to download. 
  • Your can share this Apple ID with your families, so they dont need to sign up a new one. 
  • You can sign out this China Apple ID and sign in the one you normally use.  In the future, when theres a new update available, you will need to use the New Apple ID password to process the update.
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