Chop and Awe – Whirlpool’s smart oven identifies your food and cooks it perfectly

The Smart Countertop Oven lets you watch your food cooking in real time via an internal camera.

Home appliance giant Whirlpool has unveiled a new countertop oven that uses a built-in camera and object recognition to identify the food inside it and set the temperature and cooking time accordingly. The Smart Countertop Oven, released by the corporation’s sub-brand WLabs, is similar in functionality to the June oven, but $200 more expensive, with a sticker price of $799.

Both of these devices promise to take some of the thinking out of cooking, but with tech like this the proof is very much in the pudding. Will the algorithms recognize your food? And will they pick the right cooking settings? It’s hard to say without testing. Whirlpool doesn’t share exactly how many types of food its algorithms can recognize, but it does say they’re accurate enough to tell the difference between frozen and thawed items.


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