Canon PG-40 & PG-41 Ink Cartridge

The PG-40 from Canon is a black ink tank designed for use with the Canon IP1600 printer. It produces crisp, vibrant text and graphics while resisting smudging and fading. The PG-40 is also easy to insert and remove, so you can quickly complete all your print jobs.


Product Description

The PG-40 from Canon is a black ink tank designed for use with the Canon IP1600 printer. It produces crisp, vibrant text and graphics while resisting smudging and fading. The PG-40 is also easy to insert and remove, so you can quickly complete all your print jobs.

Compatible Printers:

iP1180 / iP1200 / iP1300 / iP1600 / iP1700 / iP1880 / iP1980 / iP2200 / iP2580 / iP2680 / MP145 / MP150 / MP160 / MP170 / MP180 / MP198 / MP218 / MP228 / MP450 / MP460 / MP476 / MX308 / MX318 / FAX-JX200 / JX201 / JX300 / JX500

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