We can help change the iPhone 14 ESIM only to dual-sim


Following the announcement by Apple regarding the iPhone 14 last year, lots of users complained on social media that all new iPhones exclusively adopt E-SIM technology for units sold in the United States, rendering conventional physical SIM cards obsolete.

E-SIM is a microchip that is built on the logic board and can take up 8 digital SIM cards


But imagine you plan to move to another country that does not have E-SIM support like China, buy a new phone will be your only choice, but now, TEK-Shanghai has a solution for you. 

> Dual SIM Card service for US iPhone <


Here is how it works:
When Apple designed the US iPhone 14, they reserved the SIM slot space,  like they never planned to design a completely different logic board, instead 


  1. We will disable to E-SIM chip, and wire the connection to the reserved SIM slot
  2. Install the SIM Tray Module 
  3. Machine drill SIM card hole on the phone frame.
  4. Install the new SIM tray and test

The whole process will take 3-5 days, to learn more about the cost and other details, welcome to reach us on WeChat. 

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