China grants Qualcomm preliminary injunctions against Apple

The China Fuzhou Intermediate People’s Court of China has granted Qualcomm’s request for two preliminary injunctions against four of Apple’s Chinese subsidiaries. The action has been taken as a result of Qualcomm’s claims that technology found in the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X infringes on two of Qualcomm’s patents. This comes after the Chinese patent office, SIPO, found the patents to be valid.

New update:


Apple says iOS update will avoid Qualcomm patents, China iPhone ban

As everything of the paten infringement is focused on the iOS 11, and all the currently on sale iPhone has been updated to iOS 12. For any iOS 11 / old devices user, apple will release a new update to fix this infringement which been filed by Qualcomm in China.

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