Do you need a transformer or converter for using sockets in China?
If you are planning to move or travel to China, you must be aware that electricity output or sockets could be not as same as the country you are from. In China, sockets supply 220V and 50 Hz of electricity. If the electricity supply or socket is different in your country, you may not be able to use the electricity secondly, the difference in voltage can harm your devices.
Keep in mind, if your electronic device can support a range of voltages or can be switched between different voltages, a plug adapter may be all you need. But if it doesn’t, or if you’re planning on being in China more than a week or two, a voltage converter — or for some equipment, a transformer — is what you’ll need.
Electrical Sockets In China
Electrical sockets can be quite confusing as China uses three different socket types, the wall-mounted sockets sometimes can come with only one of these types or include them all. Before we jump into that let’s examine these three types of sockets available in China, so you won’t have any issues when it comes to using electrical sockets in China.

Type A sockets are one the most common sockets in China. Most of the basic electrical devices in China come with type A plugs.

One of the most universally common socket types is Type C sockets, and they are quite common in China as well.

Type I sockets can be easily found all around China, they may have different larger versions of them dedicated to air condition or heaters. The larger Type I sockets usually can be found on the walls high from the ground. Thus, if your plug feels too big for the socket don’t try to force it in instead, you need a larger version of the Type I socket to use the device.
Do I need Voltage converters or transformers in China?

Electric supply can change country to country, voltage can range from 100V to 240V depending on the location you are at. This change in electric voltage can be dangerous for your electrical appliances. Different voltage from sockets can easliy ruin your device.
In this occasions when there is a change in voltage level you need to use devices called voltage converters or transformers. Specially if you your voltage level is different then 220V 50Hz, then you may need one of these devices in China. Converter and transformers comes with build in adaptors therefor you won’t be needing an extra adoptor for your sockets.
Converters and tranformers all have maximium power limit, while using one make sure not the exceed this maximum power limit.
What is the difference between converters and transformers?
There is a huge misunderstanding when it comes to converters and transformers. Main missconsumption is that these two devices do the same job. In reality they perform similar functions but their usecases are not the same. While most converters are used for short durations ranging from 1 to 2 hours. Transformers on the other side mostly used for continues long operations.
What to check when buying electronical appliances in China?
Whenever you are shoping for electrical appliences, always be aware of the voltage they support when they are used. As some devices comes single voltage support some can come with dual voltage support.
Dual voltage rated electrical appliances
When you have device you can easily determine wheter this product is dual or single voltage rated by looking at the rating plate of the appliance.
If your device is a dual voltage rated appliance you will be see text similar to ‘INPUT: 110-240V’ on the main section of the applience or it could be shown on the power supply of the device. This indication stands for, range voltages this device can operate. If we talk about our example above, device with that sign can operate voltages beetwen 110V to 240V. If you were to use such device in China, you won’t be needing any transformer or converter as China’s electric supply is 220V which is well with in the defined range.
Single voltage rated electrical appliances
Some appliances may only come with single voltage value on them, in this cases you may need a transformer or converter to match electrical supply of that location. If we talk about China, as electric supply is 220V you can only use devices with 220V voltage rating.